
Hey Homies 
          	I’m back. I’m writing. I’m here. I love you all. Hope you’re well 


There is something special about being passionate about something. Maybe it’s someone. It’s a unstoppable force of love. 


I’m back honey 


@privatez0mbie write more stories <3 xx


Okay everyone, so I unpublished my story 'the mailman' for these reasons-
          The story has had its run of success (WAY more than I thought it would be) but I'm thankful for all the viewers and readers for giving me a chance. 
          I grew out of the story. I honestly don't even ship Shailene and Theo anymore. I can't even understand how that happened but I can tell you that I've just lost interest. Before you start  saying anything, I still think they would look great together, that they're both fabulous people and actors and that divergent is a bloody good film/book. 
          Third of all, I have little time to reply to all the comments, to even keep up with anyone else. I'm truly sorry I let you all down ( and myself). I didn't want to just leave without telling you all. Thank you for all the love and support you all gave me. It's been a phenomenal experience and I couldn't be more proud. 
          Peace out- private zombie. 
          Ps. I will still try to be active a little and read some stories on here. (: