
Happy Birthday to me YAYYY!! Love you all


Merry Christmas... Happy Hanukah (idk if it is over yet sorry) but anyways have a great day/midday/night... Love y’all... I’m gonna talk to my bff... write on the next chapter... and then go to shift... hugs and affection for everybody... you ARE WORTH IT!!!!


Can someone explain to me how the hell I GOT covid!! Like wtf. Me and my family are super cautious and have taken many precautions. We wore masks everywhere, tried everything to not be around but crowds and everything like that. I mean come on bro.... well better me than anyone else. Except my immediate family also has it, at least it ain’t super serious, we already had to deal with a death this year, I can’t think abt another. Besides that THANK YOU GUYS for reading the book. I love y’all. ✌


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So I was at my best friend’s house and she got beef with her neighbors (that’s a whole nother story) but anyways, we was sitting in the back of her parents truck and she was laying down being dumb, and all of a sudden one of the neighbors rode down the street on a scooter and my bff was being dumb so I pushed her in a playful way:.. her neighbor looked at me weird so I was like
          “Lol shes down here”
          And this b*tch really said 
          “I don’t care, I really don’t like her” and gave us a freaking dirty look
          And my friend said quietly “ok b!tch”
          And myself really said “well fck you, with yo dumb b!tch a$$” 
          Like sis you 9 go play with those cabbage patch dolls (not roasting anyone who still has dolls or studies Bc like I do too)
          Now she keeps texting me saying they all coming over near her house (like more than 5) like yo, just stop.... JREJEJDNRJ


Ok.... so like what do you do when you think you really like someone.... but you KNOW they wouldn’t like you back like you are 99% sure they would probably be DISGUSTED?✌(asking for a “friend”) 


@sokeefeORsofitz it’s gonna take a while Bc I’m sure they straight but idk... imma build up my confidence (not that I have any rn anyways) THANK YOU tho I appreciate it


@project_abomination Anytime! And it's fine to be nervous! I would be nervous as hell honestly, but you got this girl!


              But also beware of the Pride Fall I cant tell if is a hoax or not but I do want you to be safe.
                Also I might release a book soon which but it is either going to be a gxg or a bxb which one do y’all want first. 
          Love y’all and be safe ❤️❤️️‍


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@ project_abomination  Ah shit Im too late. Still, happy pride month for u too lmao 