
Actually, where do you guys want the next update to be? In "Sanctuary" (x female!reader) , or in "Selcouth" (x male!reader) ?  It's a Chuuya x reader shot, but the pronouns are fluid for now while I make up my mind lmao


@purpl3_lili3s  too late, its in Selcouth now, oh well


.... AYE! To anyone who kindaa remembers me HAHAHA yes hello, I'm not dead! :"""""D 
          I haven't written in months - needless to say that my writing skills have deteriorated a LOT. In my new school, we spoke my native language way more than english; it's definitely  a plus that I got better at Tagalog, but my English suffered a looot lmao
          I have way too many ideas on my plate, and I can't seem to write anything without giving up :"0
          I know it's been over a year since I've updated my bsd one shot books. I would've kept at it if tenth grade hadn't been such a fiery hellhole ;-; as of now, it's my vietnam war flashback. nope. ain't ever gonna go back there.
          Good news? I really hope to update my books again ^^ I just need lotsa practice to get back into the swing of things~
          Thank you so much for the support while I was gone!!!! 


Hi I’m just curious, but have you watched BnHA?


@Unicat121 hoo boi :0 now that's the rEaL stuff   take ya time and I'll be waiting to see that, if ya decide to push thru with it~


            It’s fine I always reply late. The sequel is on hold rn cause I wanna do an Akame ga Kill BSD crossover


@Unicat121 yee I'll be sure to check the sequel out too! Oh, and thankchu so much for all the votes on my stories, gracee ^^
            (Also, sori for d late reply :"D)