
Okay so I posted a new story named: Call me Cliché~~
          	Alexandra is best friends with Jayce, they have been since they were in diapers, and don't plan on changing that anytime soon; they're at each other houses as much as they're at their own. Alex has always attended an all-girls school in the next town over that her uncle owned-which happens to be the only reason she could afford to go there. 
          	When Alex's mom gives her the news that she is going to be attending the public school with Jay she is overjoyed and many people know her as "Jayce's Girl" before she even gets there.
          	With the relationship they have many assume they're dating which annoys Alex but Jay seems to...like it.
          	Alex's relationship is changing with her best friend and that scares her, so the question is: can she handle it or will she take an interest in Ryan?
          	Im going to post the Vote Here page now :)
          	Check out the new story :)