
seen ya soon


my mom found out about my account and says that i wrote sex when i haven't (yet) and she has my phone and i freaking out rn im deleting my account rn and ill try to make a new one soon. Its been a good ride. Mo out for now


          So last night my mom saw my scars on my right thigh and was so mad cause i had cut myself before and she took my phone and she was threatening me that she would put me into a mental hospital and i said ok but she didn't she just called me a smart ass.
          And she doesn't know i have Tiktok, wattpad, and all thst social media and thank satan that she only found snapchat anf deleted my account and i thought.
          Nobody texts me anyways.
          And i know she isn't going to get me help about everything that goes on in my head and i know for sure she is still going to guilt trip me and manipulate me. ✌


here's how a conversation I had with my mom today:
          me:*chopping up veggies*
          mom: I'm proud of you
          me:*looks at her confused* Thanks?
          mom: you know that right?
          me: I guess?
          mom:*sighs* I knew I was a bad mother
          me thinking: why do i even come out of my room anymore


how conversations with my mom go 