
Hello everyone! It´s been a while and I´m super sorry about that but I´m very happy to announce that I´ll be posting another book very soon! 
          	It´s a Jikook fanfiction this time and plays in the Harry Potter universe. 
          	I´m currently just waiting for my beta-reader to finish the proof reading and then hopefully, soon I´ll be able to publish what I´ve been working on! 
          	I really hope you guys will enjoy it and give the story lots of love! <3 
          	Much love and an endless amount of hugs to all of you! <3<3


@putputpotato yay !!!!
          	  Of course 


@putputpotato it's a really great book.


Hello there! I'm an italian translator and I'm here to ask you the authorisation to translate your Yoonmin ff Gangsters love Better, cause it was really amazing girl, and It would be awesome for me :))
          I'll give you all the credits, I respect copyrights, the story is yours :,)


hi! i really like your jikook ff. and i want yo translate your fic into turkish. can i translate please~


@ justjikookk  thank you so so so much. im very excited. of course i'm gonna credit you. my ig account @justjikookk. I'll message you from there. i'm sorry for my bed english :(


@justjikookk hello! Oh my god I would be honoured! As long as you give credit, please do go ahead and translate all you want!! Also I'd love it, if you kept me updated on the progress in my dms or in my Instagram DMs under the user @putputpotato! Good luck sweetest, thank u so much!! 


Hello everyone! It´s been a while and I´m super sorry about that but I´m very happy to announce that I´ll be posting another book very soon! 
          It´s a Jikook fanfiction this time and plays in the Harry Potter universe. 
          I´m currently just waiting for my beta-reader to finish the proof reading and then hopefully, soon I´ll be able to publish what I´ve been working on! 
          I really hope you guys will enjoy it and give the story lots of love! <3 
          Much love and an endless amount of hugs to all of you! <3<3


@putputpotato yay !!!!
            Of course 


@putputpotato it's a really great book.


Putputpotato amazing work on gangster love u put in a love work that is appreciated . U had action,flirting,romance,smut,friendships,the value of trusting.At this point u leave me in awe.keep up the work.Gangter love was addictive since the first chapter