
this message may be offensive
After a lot of thinking & self convincing I’ve decided to keep writing. A couple weeks ago I had got a lot of people DM on X(twitter) with very mean hate & fucked up comments. One even told me I should KMS. With what I was already going through it really hit home & i was truly considering giving up but with the encouragement of a few reads I decided to continue. 


this message may be offensive
After a lot of thinking & self convincing I’ve decided to keep writing. A couple weeks ago I had got a lot of people DM on X(twitter) with very mean hate & fucked up comments. One even told me I should KMS. With what I was already going through it really hit home & i was truly considering giving up but with the encouragement of a few reads I decided to continue. 


Hello my honey buns. Is it okay if I call you that ? I think it’s cute. Anyways I think I’m going to focus on one of my book for right now. I will make poll you all to vote on which book. Please vote if not I will choose myself & I was announce it on Sunday or Monday. Don’t forget to read Bite Me. I double uploaded it because I haven’t done it in a while and you guys were asking for it. Hope you like it don’t forget to vote on my instagram. Talk to you guys later bye