
   done,  done,  and  done.  you  should  also  know  by  now  that  i  can  just..  massage  your  hands?  i'd  hate  for  them  to  continue  cramping  up.  maybe  pulling  each  finger  out  of  its  socket  a  bit  would  help.  unless  that  makes  you  squeamish,  of  course.


   two  things?   [   that was doable. very much so, actually.   ]   darling,  i  would  get  the  whole  world  for  you  if  you  wanted  it.  what  are  they?  


   you  might  just  be  the  next  genius  of  our  time.  what  goes  on  in  that  brain  of  yours?   [   letting her fix everything and do as needed, he looked at her.   ]   feels  perfect.  like ..  it  keeps  my  head  warm  but  still  lets  by  hair  breathe,  you  know?  i'm  going  to  wear  this  forever.   [  arthur reached up to touch his bun, then the beanie.   ]   very  soft.


   so ..  my  bun  would  sort  of  look  like  the  pom-pom  on  top  of   a  regular  beanie,  right?  is  that  the  vision,  dear?   [   taking a seat, he waited patiently.   ]   a-plus  for  creativity,  truly.  


   i  was..   [  looking around for an excuse, he spotted a paper on the ground, picking it up.  ]   being  a  good  citizen  and  cleaning  up.  this  place  is  so  messy,  isn't   it?