
Chapter 16 of Fire and Ice is now up!! Go and give it a read if you want to. There's some explanations and even more questions once again hehe!


So I'm very sorry for disappearing but honestly I didn't think that anyone was reading my work and it is lovely to know that that isn't the case. I have officially started writing chapter 15 of Fire and Ice now and I'm only 250 words into it but it feels good to write again. 
          I've been so focused on starting my blog that I guess I neglected these stories. If any of you want to check out my blog by the way, its http://athousandletterslater.blogspot.co.uk/ I would love any feedback or comments there too!
          Thank you so much for sticking with me, if you haven't given up on these stories.  xxx


@mindofawriterF hi, I would love to read it but I don't speak Spanish. My Spanish knowledge is very very limited and I checked your story out but couldn't understand much. I'm sorry :)


@ quietpersistence  okay it doesn't matter but thank you for try to read it  oh and one thing more your story it's so good i will keep reading it  ☺


Hey!! I've just uploaded my next blog post a little bit ahead of schedule so its up already instead of this Friday. I will however have a new post up on Friday too. If anyone wants to take a look, it is on http://athousandletterslater.blogspot.co.uk/ 
          I realise I didn't even mention before what I will be writing about. It's a bit all over the place really but I'll be addressing self-esteem and growing up and figuring things out as well as lifestyle and style pieces too. I'd really appreciate it if you guys checked it out! 
          Thanks a bunch xxx


Hey, guys! I know that it's been absolutely ages since I uploaded anything and you've probably given up on my stories and I'm sorry about that! But I have been swamped with uni work. I have however started a blog recently, that I'm hoping to post on every week on a Friday at 12pm (PST) so I would love it if any of you guys wanted to check it out and let me know your thoughts.  There are already 7 posts up to read if anyone wanted to. The blog is at: http://athousandletterslater.blogspot.co.uk/
          Also, about Fire and Ice, I will eventually get back into it, I just have to reread it back a few times to get my head straight. 
          Anyway, thanks for still following me I guess haha xxx