
So what up guys! I have been writing these poems for a while now. I have lots of reads! Thanks everyone! So I want to write another book. But I don't know what to write about.
          	Some of my chocies:
          	Pens, Letters, and Love
          	In the 7th grade, Zarona falls in love with Ricardo a boy at her school. Knowing he well never love her the way she love him. She falls deeper and deeper until one day she needs to tell him. She sits at her desk and write peoms. She writes for days, and put them into his losker finally in the 9th grade he answers her in a letter too. For almost a year Zarona and Ricardo write letters back and forward. Finally at the end of 9th grade. She tells him who she is. How well he Answer?
          	Bruised, Broken, and A Love Slave
          	Zarona starts to date a man named Mark within a year Mark becomes abusive and beats her. He makes her have sex with him. He starts to rape her and the kidnapps her, and makes her his slave. She is still in love with him, but doesn't know what to do and plan to run. So to find out that she is pregnant with a baby girl. What well Mark do when he finds out what to she plans to do with his child?
          	Ok so I want feed back tell which one you like the most. I want to know soon! So comment


*bursts through door * LEXY HERE!!! Why hello there fellow follower!!! Thank you for following me, you wonderful, beautiful person!! *caresses your jaw* I love you!! 
          Well!!! Do you know what this means, my love??!! YOU GET A SPACE FLYING, RAINBOW SPARKLES ALPACA!!! ^^ *hands you the alpaca* Please enjoy spreading love and yaoi throughout the world! *kisses your head and flies away* GOODBYE MY LOVE!!!! *disappears*


Omg! I just read your profile, and I`m also a directioner! and one of my favorite animals are wolves too!


@Belley07 lol. Yes wolves are amazing and unique. They are a blessing to this world 


Um, one more thing. Why did you request a cover from a thread I'm in if you make covers?


Because I can't make my own I am so bad at making my own. They never turn out like I want them to.


My name's Brittany
          I've edited for a few of my friends who write stories on here. I'm in the middle of writing my first book on here, but I'm experienced. I just barely found out about wattpad, and its just that I've been writing on another website. I'm not a rookie.  
          Rogues hide in the darkness of the woods; longing for the split moment they should pounce. People gathered, watching as my father emerged into the bright. Smiles turned to frowns as terror struck the crowd, mothers hiding their children from the thing staring back at them. 
          I meant to put this on the club but it for some reason wouldn't let me.
              Brittany xx