
Sorry all! I know I'm terribly late in posting the next chapter, and I promise it is coming. I have been so wrapped up upping my photo manipulation skills in anticipation of designing a fellow author's book cover that it's eaten into all my writing time. In the mean time, if you have an opinion on "Ismene & Othniel" so far, I'd love to hear it. Thank you so much for reading my work! Much gratitude!


Oh, and if you want to see what I've been doing with 'photoshopping' skills, I've posted a quite a few things on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/rachaelritchey/


Sorry all! I know I'm terribly late in posting the next chapter, and I promise it is coming. I have been so wrapped up upping my photo manipulation skills in anticipation of designing a fellow author's book cover that it's eaten into all my writing time. In the mean time, if you have an opinion on "Ismene & Othniel" so far, I'd love to hear it. Thank you so much for reading my work! Much gratitude!


Oh, and if you want to see what I've been doing with 'photoshopping' skills, I've posted a quite a few things on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/rachaelritchey/


You might be interested to know I saw you on Twitter first and heard about your book there. Some Wattpad posting I think. 


@rjrodda Keep at it! I don't find nearly as much time to write during the day as I'd like. I end up spending more time replying and updating social media where I can because I am usually only writing once I get my 3rd grader through a lesson and started on a worksheet or activity. I do my  most focused writing after bedtime, so from about 10 PM to 1AM-ish, depending on how tired I am. If I'm very deep in the story I might go much longer. Sleep is a luxury. haha If my daughter and I finish school early, she gets an hour of Minecraft and loves that, so during that hour, I'll usually try to write as well. A five year old is much harder to keep busy and entertained, if you ask me! :D Well done to you!


Well NaNoWriMo is kind of going. I just write when I can, just short sprints. I am arguably cheating because I am re-writing something that was in third person into first person and changing it a bit. Anyway it's definitely helping me write more. 
            How do you find keeping your homeschooling child busy during the day so you can write? I find it hard homeschooling a five year old daughter who likes to do things with me. It sounds like you are busy when they are all home but you get it done - well done!!!


@rjrodda How is NaNo going? :) I have done it once. It was a few years ago, though, when I started writing the second book in my current series. "Captive Hope" is the one, and I did "win" NaNo that year around the 21st of November. I was on a super time crunch that year, because I was also going to be starting a temporary, part-time (20-30hrs/wk) job outside the home at the end of the month. I didn't want to mess with my numbers, so I just got it done earlier. I didn't finish the book, though. That took another couple months! :)  The IngramSpark upload. That must be newish? I don't remember that being part of the winning. Hmmm...Maybe I just ignored it since I knew I wouldn't be done at 50,000 words. I ALMOST participated this year, but I haven't outlined any other story ideas to run with. Life has been all-absorbing lately. :) I'm super lucky that while I am homeschooling our adopted/youngest child I am also a stay-at-home mom, so I can sneak in some time during the day, but I mostly write at night after everyone is in bed. Right now we're all hanging out in the livingroom. One kid is petting the dog, one is watching Youtube videos, one is texting a friend, and Dad is learning French on Duolingo with one learning over his shoulder. :)


Thank you for adding 'Pray, Laugh, Repeat' to your reading list. Happy reading! I'm enjoying your story. 


@rjrodda I'm excited to read it. As soon as I have a spare weekend, I'm going to be tackling my reading list before it grows any larger. :)  "Pray, Laugh, Repeat" sounds right up my alley! :)


So Monday turned out to be a crazy day, and I wasn't happy with Chapter 10 as is! I'm going to edit the second half of the chapter, and I'll be a day late posting it. But it'll be up Tuesday evening! Thanks for being patient, my friends!


I'm enjoying writing this story so much, I've having trouble not posting things as soon as I write them. Monday is coming quick, though, so looking forward to sharing chapter nine soon! :) If you haven't had a chance to read up through chapter eight yet, here's your chance. And please feel free to comment your thoughts and ideas. I'm always happy to hear from you and appreciate all the encouragement. Merci!


I wanted to contact everyone individually, but Wattpad will only allow so many "unsolicited" messages before it puts a halt to that. Basically, I just want to express my thankfulness for the follows, votes, and reads! I cannot begin to explain how grateful I am for your support and the encouragement it brings. 
          Contact me any time with questions or thoughts on my stories or life in general.
          - Rachael


Novella?! The cover looks beautiful Rachael. I think it's my favorite so far. You have been busy I see :)


@JobMerkel yes, novella! Of course, we know how detailed (read long winded)  I can get. Lol We'll see how well I can hone this one into a novella. Not too busy with writing, unfortunately. I'm hoping to get busier! Thank you, too! It was a cover I'd designed for sale, but one of the photos I used has stipulations attached, even though it was loaded to public domain CC0 license. I decided to use it for my own book, which is allowable. I love it and couldn't let it go to waste!