
I'm loving all the reads and comments. Means the world to me. Thank you.


Hey author! I was reading your book and was wondering what happened?!?! Your book disappeared! Are you in the process of publishing if so where??? I’m invested and would love to support your writing ❤️


@yana_ren Hello Yana, I'm so sorry to pull the story mid read. I had been on Watt Pad for over a year and hoping a publisher might find my story. I want to try for that so felt that my best chances were to remove any free reads. I apologize! Thank you for reaching out and my best to you, Rachel


Hey I am Adis and I am a graphics designer. I make cover pages for wattpad and Amazon. I make commissioned art n graphic work on a professional level. I have a small cover page portfolio in my book Covers on Demand. I would love it if you can check it out and give my work a real time review. 
          Have a great day.
          Love Adis.


Hello there ^.^ 
          It's so nice to meet a Hollywood director on Wattpad!


It would be my pleasure :)
            I hope you stay safe and have a good day/night


@KaiseyTexas thank you! It's nice to meet you too. Have you read my book? I'd love if you would and comment too. Thank you for saying hello!