
ALRIGHT ERRYONE!!!!! So, for those of you who don't know, I've almost got 100 DINOS!! So, we will be celebrating with a Lil party type thing. We will have a Plug.DJ, A hunger games tournament and other shizzle ma nizzle. So, if you have Skype, my name is the same as my username, and if you don't either get it PLEASE, or there's an awesome app called "Line" it's like Kik but with video chatting and stuff. So let's have a vote!! Skype or Line? YOU DECIDE!


ALRIGHT ERRYONE!!!!! So, for those of you who don't know, I've almost got 100 DINOS!! So, we will be celebrating with a Lil party type thing. We will have a Plug.DJ, A hunger games tournament and other shizzle ma nizzle. So, if you have Skype, my name is the same as my username, and if you don't either get it PLEASE, or there's an awesome app called "Line" it's like Kik but with video chatting and stuff. So let's have a vote!! Skype or Line? YOU DECIDE!


Hey guys, you see that follower count? I have 90! Ten away from 100! Wow! Thank you guys so much! I love all of you, and will have to do another little event, but don't worry, it will be easier this time x3 A little hint: Fire up your Skype's people ;3