
PFFT EW my old posts on here are dry af sorry bout that to my 20 smth followers who are mostly inactive acctsanyway im not coming back like ever so have fun


Heeelo m8ts! I have an announcement to make. Ok for starters I have been busy as frick. Like I have been hanging out with friends ALL WEEK! Today a friend is coming over. So that is why I have t updated in like 5 days. Also please read my chapters in order. Or at least read the endings of them. I am working on my next chapter though. Ok have a noice day! Bi.....


Thank you to my followers for having so many reads on my book! 244! That is just insane! Thank you again and keep enjoying my new chapters. Also don’t forget to vote on books that I should write after my fanfic! Have a nice day m8! Bi!


So I decided that I will ONLY write in my one book, Dovah Claws until completed. In the meantime I ask all of you precious hunams to please go and vote for which book you think I should write next. Thank y’all and good DAY!


People I will only be working on my fanfic until it is finished. Until then my other books might not get updated. When I do finish my fanfic I will continue the book, Once In A Life. After that it will be Bumblb. Have a nice day.