
it completely boggles my mind that I’m turning 18 this year :o


so i joined wattpad when i was 12, now im 17. i left wattpad 'cause i didn't have time to read/write anymore. growing up sure do sucks, and sad to say, this platform got worse for me (i have to pay now???) i miss old wattpad, the old logo and everything. but i hope the newcomers to this platform is having a blast 'cause that was what i felt before. im turning into a somewhat legal adult next year, it's pretty scary to think about. but reading thru my old unpublished drafts, the interacts i had with wonderful writers here, my childhood wasn't THAT bad. ill always love wattpad even if it changes in a million ways. i might even write again on this platform?? i have so many thoughts to let out, so many stories to tell. idk what to say anymore, but i miss my old self.


@rahhhxoxo i would love to but money is a big problem for me 


@rahhhxoxo what about moving? Can’t you move to someone where u can do the thing u enjoy as a career?


@_iyablues same. i'd love to major in english literature/creative writing but at my country, that major wouldn't secure any job so i'll probs just stick to writing as a hobby :')


my bio is terrible, but thank you
          (your profile is bae tho)