
To the followers of @rain_water @Drenched and @DrenchedArchive 
          	Thank you to all my new and continuing followers. I do not respond to all my messages, but I do read every single word of every single message I receive.
          	Just a tidbit on qualifying stories for new peoples:
          	Romance does NOT have to be the primary focus of the story. The MC does NOT have to enter into a relationship at all. The MC simply has to be a male that prefers males.
          	However, if your story does include romance. The primary relationship must be between the male MC and another male(s). All primary relationship participants must be male. In other words, MMF, MFM, and the like, do NOT qualify.
          	I make exceptions to this rule, whenever I deem it appropriate, in the "Non-Fiction/Poetry/Spiritual/Random" category. 
          	Any questions? Comments?
          	Your Librarian,


@Reaper8439979 Yes, that is fine. Secondary relationships may be paired however the author so desires.
          	  The rules only apply to the primary (main) pairing.


I am just a fan of "Mechanical Gods", asking you to include it in your list.
          It may not have that much much romance, and one character maybe a robot, but still after I read it, I regretted ever doubting about love between a human and a robot. "(They both are male!) 
          It's been a year and I still can't forget it.


Hiiii I just logged back in to wattpad after a long time and I wanted to reread some of my favorite stories but i cant seem to find one one called Tuesday :'3  A google search of the story led me to your profile. I was wondering if you could maybe help me find that story?