
Anyone wanna help me with Beta Test? I've been busy with school and such so I haven't had much time to really brainstorm what I want to do with this so an extra pair of hands would greatly help!


I say these things that I will never do and there are so many false promises. i'm going to stop writing for awhile and do other things that I normally do like draw or play guitar. After I come back i'm going to work on a project. I have a butt ton of unfinished trashy a$$ stories and i'd like to finish them so there will be a lot of writing as well as re-writing. Till next time!
          P.S. if you guys have any suggestions for stories or ideas please message me and i will get back to you as soon as possible.


Good Evening or morning whatever, I need to ask you all a question. Can you help me with a book I'm planning to write I don't even know what to call it but I got a map drawn up for it and even have a species of people in it I just need help with idea for story and title as well as characters and so forth.


Thanks for the follow, love.


I have dyed my hair finally xD I used to have virgin hair and the first dye didn't last as long as this one so yeah it was was purple and now its blue also KATELYN!!! I wanna give you a hug so bad right now if I could but im not in Arizona so... sad