
@magoobubba That's actually the exact word I use to describe myself. 


I feel like a mad scientist! I've combined my directionally-challenged-ness with my current vague sense of identity and my recent philosophy reading! The result is a provocative (very) short "story" full of symbolism and poetry that, with any luck, will apply to someone else besides me. S'called Soul Searching. Enjoy (or rather don't enjoy, but wallow in the delicious sense of uncertainty).


So i started another story. It's a scifi-thriller, something i've never done before, but i think it has potential. let me know what you think, but don't get your hopes up. I want to keep going on memoirs of light before i take this on full time.
          in other news, memoirs ch 12 has been up for a while, and it's not doing so hot w/ reads/comments. So maybe you should head over and give it some support, huh? thanks :)


Yo Peeps,
          I hereby proclaim Memoirs chapter 11 to be in existence! The parade is scheduled for wednesday at noon. 
          It's taking me way longer that I expected to get to the plot complications. Sorry bout that. It's all lined up for the next chapter. i promise. again. and i mean it this time. 
          ciao, and have a timely demise.