
Hiii people, so sorry I keep disappearing. I just have a lot on my plate and it's not just Wattpad I've forgotten but other major stuff too XD
          	With the way things are, I'll probably have to leave it to someone trustworthy to manage this account and update the chapters regularly haha :'(
          	In any case, thanks for being here!! I appreciate your support and will resume posting sometime soon!! Perhaps next week. If y'all are still interested of course. 
          	Also friends, the best way to reach me is Instagram. I'm active there. I don't keep my Wattpad notifications on and that is a major reason I forget about it haha
          	Love ya see ya! 


@rainyy_writes aww no worries. will definitely be following you on insta! :)


@rainyy_writes Honestly, it's just a blessing to have you back tbh. Thanks for the update <3


@rainyy_writes oh it's alright. Thanks for updating us. I was starting to get worried 


Hey! I'm literally returning to Wattpad after YEARS ,just to reminisce about the stories i loved.
          Are you perhaps crystally_rain? 
          If you are why can't I find your other stories?
          Especially the one with the baby....I'm sorry it's been so long I don't remember the names but i remember reading all of your works diligently ❤️
          I was also a fan of royal pain in the texts! I'm so glad to find you again btw!


@Sagarika_03 yess I remember you <3 I'm back with a new account


@Sagarika_03 yes, she is! Her old account got deleted, so all the books are gone. She came back with this account and had been re-uploading ARPITT


Hiii people, so sorry I keep disappearing. I just have a lot on my plate and it's not just Wattpad I've forgotten but other major stuff too XD
          With the way things are, I'll probably have to leave it to someone trustworthy to manage this account and update the chapters regularly haha :'(
          In any case, thanks for being here!! I appreciate your support and will resume posting sometime soon!! Perhaps next week. If y'all are still interested of course. 
          Also friends, the best way to reach me is Instagram. I'm active there. I don't keep my Wattpad notifications on and that is a major reason I forget about it haha
          Love ya see ya! 


@rainyy_writes aww no worries. will definitely be following you on insta! :)


@rainyy_writes Honestly, it's just a blessing to have you back tbh. Thanks for the update <3


@rainyy_writes oh it's alright. Thanks for updating us. I was starting to get worried 