




So here we go! 
          ╰─ 1. wish morning di mb saya setiap hari
          ╰─ 2. describe tentang saya. Biar panjang ye
          ╰─ 3. Saya ada sakitkan hati awak tak? Bila?
          ╰─ 4. Rindu saya tak?
          ╰─ 5. Apakah moment yg awak happy ketika borak dgn saya?
          ╰─ 6. Share quotes pasal kehidupan di mb saya.
          ╰─ 7. Awak nampak saya ni ramai skandal tak? 
          ╰─ 8. Masa mula2 tak kenal saya, apakah first impression terhadap saya?
          ╰─ 9. Kalau pilih no 9 ni, sunat berikan hadiah tau ahahaha. Tak kira, nak gak hadiah muahaaha
          ╰─ 10. Saya sayang awak. Awak sayang saya tak?
          Happy tak? HHAHAAHHA. Lepas tu, awak pergi mb saya. Reply kat sana tau. Kalau taktau canne nk buat, tengok kat mb saya. Org lain buat macam mana. Jangan lupa tulis nama!❤️


ㅤㅤㅤ❪ to live is the rarest 
          ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤthings in the world. most 
          ㅤㅤㅤㅤpeople exist, that's all ❫ 
           ━ good morning angel ! today's another chance to live better ! 
          here's a few tips for you !
          ♡︎ : eat healthy breakfast 
          ♡︎ : think about your main focus for this day
          ♡︎ : smile everytime you make an eye - contact
          ♡︎ : drink a lot of water to stay hydrated
          ♡︎ : take a break and eat your favourite sweets if you feel tired or exhausted
          ♡︎ : listen to your favourite music 10 minutes before going to bed
          ♡︎ : sleeps a good 8 - 7 hours 
           ━ i hope my tips can help you live better! just know that i love you and stay safe <3