
Hey every one! I got a bit bored with what I was doing, so I have started a new book. Its called The End. Go check it out! I'll still work on my Silver book, but I'd like to get into more sci-fi as well. 


Hi every one! So, as a few may know, I started up with Wattpad to write Sci-fi stories. I obviously got side tracked, and thankfully, wrote Of Adventure Treasure and Stupidity. The tale of Silver is in no way complete, but I recently got inspirations to write knew types if stories. 
          So a while back, I posted a story called The book that could be... if you say yes! which was basically just a teaser for a book idea I had in my head and a bit on paper. Well, long story short, I decided to start writing more of it. So yeah. Only problem is.... I don't have a title! 
          Any way, the purpose of this MSG is to tell y'all about a contest of sorts I guess. Basically I want anyone that hasn't yet, go read that intro and think about I title for the book! As far as rewards go.... I guess I'll do anything Wattpad related that the winner tells me to. (or an assortment of things) 
          Thanks for all the support!
          Raro.... out!


@raropuka new*.... geese auto correct correcting you when you spelled the word right originally! XD


hey ya'll! So sorry for not updating like anything for awhile. I'm really bogged down in homework and general life so.... also, I applied for George Washington Carver, a magnet highschool, so I've been working my but off to get ready for an audition (going into a theater program) any way. Yeah. sorry for not doing anything for a bit :)
          stay awesome!


It's so quiet here lol.... 


@watyaknow shhhh... It's okay...


@raropuka true.... WELP this is awkward


@watyaknow you are talking to yourself. 