
heyy its been a while and i know no one will read this but i think my parents are gonna get a divorce..


I’m really sorry about your parents!.. And thank you for your concern! I’m happy to say my parents haven’t divorced, it was just an argument. Although I do feel a little ashamed because my intentions of writing this update were sort of selfish (you know, getting approval that sort of thing?) especially since there are people with parents who are ACTUALLY divorced that I could be comforting instead of begging for attention. But I do really appreciate your kind words, and although they may not apply to the situation I’m in at the moment, I will remember them, because it is good advice!


@ratfella My parents recently divorced too and it's a tough time. Just know that it's not your fault. Think of your parents as furniture in a room. They may be rearranged, but it's still the same furniture in the room, even though things are a little different. You'll get used to it over time even though it's tough, but you got this ^^