
          	I am unpublishing Slightly Damaged to do some MAJOR revisions. The theme will remain the same but I have decided that I don't want them to be famous and I also don't like how quickly I got Louis and Erin together. 
          	I highly encourage you all to read the story after I publish it again because it does talk about a lot of hard topics (self harm, suicide, ect.) and it could help anyone that struggles with that and it also helps those who do not struggle with it to get a small understanding of the everyday fight. 
          	Thank you!


Last night I started to read First Impressions.  I'm on chapter 60. My cousin was reading over my shoulder so she is now reading with me. You've got a talent. We can't put it down!  It's SO SO SO SO SO good! This now gives me something to do for the next 18 months. ITS SO CUTE! Do you think you could check out my stories "True Colors" and "Losing Color " and maybe give me some pointers or ideas?  Have a lovely day! 


          I am unpublishing Slightly Damaged to do some MAJOR revisions. The theme will remain the same but I have decided that I don't want them to be famous and I also don't like how quickly I got Louis and Erin together. 
          I highly encourage you all to read the story after I publish it again because it does talk about a lot of hard topics (self harm, suicide, ect.) and it could help anyone that struggles with that and it also helps those who do not struggle with it to get a small understanding of the everyday fight. 
          Thank you!


Hello! it's me!
          so since the boys are on break, and i have nothing to do I am considering starting to write again. I have survived my first semester of college and my writing skills, i feel, have improved. 
          if i do start writing however, it may not be pubblished until summer OR updates will be very slow due to course work which starts in January .
          this is not a definite but I really do want to. so please bear with me. i love you all


Did you ever write that chapter on the first impression 1 when Derek meets Liam???!!!!  I know some Liam girls who are dying to read it!!!
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You're the bomb. An I'm not just saying that because we have the same name and age! We are planning on majoring in the same thing too! Way weird


@Living_stronger creative writing is a great major!  its hard, but worth it! good luck
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First impressions was awesome as KFC.  KFC is my world so take that as a compliment. Im moving on to the sequel. Continue writing phenomeniall books im begging you. Maybe u will be an author in the future


@HermioneandRon4ev hahahha thank you so much! that would be a dream come true
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