
goodnight my lovelys, remember, i am so proud of you for making it this far -reaper❤️


can i please vent to smeone? i just need someone to listen to me and not judge me like everyone else dose, everyone exsept one friend, but they are asleep and i realy need to talk to someone but dont want to wake them up. please someone, anyone, help me. -reaper❤️


@reaper1798  i know this is very late but you can vent to me if you feel like it. ❤️


goodnight my loves, just remember, i am so proud of you, here have this! its a bell, if you ring it, i will be there! i will listen to whatever you have to say, good or bad, remember, i am alwase here, also, still have your crown? here you droped it again, here , keep it safe this time, ok? anyway, did yall eat and drink today? if so, good job! if not, its alright, just try againg later, ok? im still proud of all of you, goodnight lovelys! -reaper❤️‍


good night everybody, i just want you to know, i am so so proud of you for making as far as you did, you did amazing at this little game we call life, try and keep your head up. HEY your majesty! your crown fell, here you go , keep it safe, you deserve it, goodnight again my loves, -reaper❤️‍