I love music and... Well.. What don't I love? My friends and family mean the world to me, and I have no idea where I would be without any of them . <3 

RIP December 24, 2008
RIP April 15, 2013

Every day is a new opportunity to make memories. Don't let that opportunity go just because one negative thing happens. Try to look at the bright side and keep on living like everything's OK. Because as some wise person said one day: "Everything will be oay in the end. If it isn't okay... It isn't the end."

My main quotes:
**Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain**

**You'l get your chance to shine princess. Just through on that baseball cap and jeans, and the right prince will walk your way**

**Live life to the fullest... Tomorrow is another day and anything can happen**

**Yesterday was history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift... That's why they call it the present**
  • IscrittoMarch 22, 2014
