
Hey everybody.
          	I'm once again so sorry for my absence. Thank you all so much for every comment and vote you have left in my absence. I appreciate every single one of you!
          	Baptized - Chapter 18 will be posted this afternoon. 
          	Thank you all so much ❤️


Hey everybody.
          I'm once again so sorry for my absence. Thank you all so much for every comment and vote you have left in my absence. I appreciate every single one of you!
          Baptized - Chapter 18 will be posted this afternoon. 
          Thank you all so much ❤️


Guys, I honestly am blown away. 
          I was logged out of this account for about two months, and I came back to 114 notifications. You guys are amazing and I love you all! 
          I'm finally getting back in the swing of things. I've finished a new chapter of Baptized and started on the HSSH sequel! 
          Updates are coming soon, I promise!!


Hello my lovely followers!
          I apologize for the lack of updates. I've been struggling with writer's block for a few weeks. I have so many ideas and can't really figure out how to place them. I hope to get back in it soon. I love you guys! Thank you for supporting me through it all. 


I'm terribly sorry for my extended leave. 
          I let a relationship take priority over my writing, but now that relationship is over and I can really focus on my writing. 
          Thank you all for your continued support and not giving up on me. 
          I love you all and can't thank you enough. 