
A new writer trying to express her feelings, emotions and opinions through writing. I am hoping for your dearly support with the life I am starting here and troughout my journey. Its highly appreciated guys. With all my heart I would dedicate all of this to all of you 


A new writer trying to express her feelings, emotions and opinions through writing. I am hoping for your dearly support with the life I am starting here and troughout my journey. Its highly appreciated guys. With all my heart I would dedicate all of this to all of you 


Hello! Sorry for bothering you. Please kindly read my story entitled My Role. You can tell me what you think about it. Criticism is okay because I want to grow as a writer. I'll really appreciate it if you read, vote and comment what you think about it. Your vote and comments are highly appreciated. Thank you!


Your welcome


@Jasyman it's okay po..Added na po I also follow you