
Boys I just posted a Reylo fic about being in like a Victorian era king/Queen au type deal. It’s gonna get real angsty watch out :’)))))


Just wondering and I know that I already have two perfectly good fics going on right now, but would anyone read a Reylo Western AU,,, like I have the entire plot already mapped out in my head and it’s pretty darn good tbh if I do say so myself. Like bear with me but: Rey as a survivalist feminist icon and abolitionist who helps Finn escape the South to the lawless West, stagecoach gets held up by none other than the infamous bandit Kylo Ren and his gang, he spares the two of them and they go to town where they meet Poe the hot bartender at the local saloon and he gives them both jobs for fair pay despite their minority status, Kylo Ren has reason to frequent said saloon while his band of robbers terrorize town, a Hux and Kylo shootout??? Some stormy reylo, some tasteful stormpilot, lots of feminist Rey, lots of steamy Kylo. Lmao this is what my 5 on the apush exam is getting me. But yeah, would anyone read that? 


Y’all I am about to get fired from my job. Just wanted to rant somewhere. It snowed in NC and work got cancelled Wed. and my boss said she’d let me know about Fri. She didn’t, but apparently I was supposed to call, which looking back would have been such a smarter idea anyway and now my kitchen manager is asking me all these questions and being veryyyy salty. I said “I’m really really sorry...blah blah...I’m an was an honest mistake but I’m still very very sorry” and all she says is “Okay.” Once again rip Emmeline.


I’m in deep with this Reylo stuff guys. I have a hella good AU idea to set it in the Great Depression and Ben has to live with Luke who is old and deaf while his parents try to find work and Rey lives in a train station and it’s all sorts of fun, I think I’m gonna post it. It gives me Hugo Cabret vibes sort of. I love it. I also have like ten other AU ideas but like this is the best one and I don’t want to overwhelm myself with updating (but part of me doesn’t care). 


My dudes I updated two straight days in a row. I only left myself four hours to write an entire essay on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein for my AP English IV class, and yet I insisted on writing fan fiction today. Please appreciate me because Mrs. Wood definitely isn’t going to. Rip Emmeline.