
Ok so I know I’ve not actually finished any of my other stories yet but I’m going to start a new story because I’m getting a lot of inspiration for this one and I just feel like this one would be my main priority so I’m going to put the rest of my stories on hold for now 


Ok so I know I’ve not actually finished any of my other stories yet but I’m going to start a new story because I’m getting a lot of inspiration for this one and I just feel like this one would be my main priority so I’m going to put the rest of my stories on hold for now 


Happy new year everyone!!! 
          So basically I will be posting the Quin and Kiara story weekly as there’s only a few chapters left
          And my Jackson and Luna story a couple times a week. 
          Obviously there isn’t an update tonight because it’s currently 1:13am so my brain won’t function properly to actually write anything decent lol but yeah, 2020 was difficult but tbh I didn’t feel like it was bad for me, the virus didn’t catch me or any of my family members, due to lockdowns and quarantine we were able to come together a few time and Christmas and new year was nice just spending time with my family but of course a lot of you have helped me through what has been one of the toughest years to be known on earth and I’m very thankful for that, I started my first story in July and within 6 months it got 22k views which I’m very great full for but now I’m starting a new story, which I only started last week but already has 144 reads which is amazing 
          So basically, 
          THANK YOUUUU 
          R, xx


So to follow up on on the Jackson story, most of his POV’s are about him being a mafia boss so I though I’d bring that to life. The story will be called
          Mafia’s Hidden Angel: JP 
          The JP is obviously Jackson Passaglia lol anyway have a good day/ night huns love ya, 
          R x


Hello bbs, 
                               I just posted a new chapter so go read that! But that’s not what this is for. The story is coming to the end, I think there is around 3-5 more chapters left. The amount of support that I’ve received from this story has just been amazing, everyone is so sweet and the humour I-, I mean we are gen Z so idk what I expected but anyway, for the new story I was thinking of doing a Jackson Passaglia fan fic ( if you don’t know who he is I suggest looking at his tik tok, he’s very attractive lol) and if you don’t know him then you can just make up your own character for the story I guess, leave me your thoughts about this and let me know what you would want the main character to be called because I don’t like writing y/n every time lol I feel like she deserves a name,  
          R x


Hi bbys!, 
                             I’m so sorry about not posting for a while I’ve just got back to school and it’s been really stressful, I had to take a little mental break but I’m back and better than ever. I hope the new content will be even better than before and I want to thank you all for 15k reads. That’s an amazing number that I never thought I would reach. I hope you understand. I’m half way through the new chapter so it will be uploaded today or tomorrow. 
          Thank you,