
Hiii loves. 
          	Hope you’re all doing well. I know I’ve been MIA and I wasn’t too well in these past couple of months.
          	But anywho, just checking how many of you are still active on this app - is it worth my while to update my books ? Let me know. 
          	Much love - S .xx


@ricciardoaf hope you're doing better since but yeah everyone would be absolutely thrilled for an update i would definitely love it anyway take care of yourself first ofc


@panpan_1308 thanks for replying hun ! I’m looking forward to getting back to writing again on here soon. Much love .xx 


heyyy don’t worry it’s okay take care of you first !! and yeah it is :)) 


Hiii loves. 
          Hope you’re all doing well. I know I’ve been MIA and I wasn’t too well in these past couple of months.
          But anywho, just checking how many of you are still active on this app - is it worth my while to update my books ? Let me know. 
          Much love - S .xx


@ricciardoaf hope you're doing better since but yeah everyone would be absolutely thrilled for an update i would definitely love it anyway take care of yourself first ofc


@panpan_1308 thanks for replying hun ! I’m looking forward to getting back to writing again on here soon. Much love .xx 


heyyy don’t worry it’s okay take care of you first !! and yeah it is :)) 


Hiii baby’s ! 
          I hope you’re all doing well. My apologies for being MIA as I suddenly got really busy for a while and didn’t have free time in a while. Nonetheless, easing my way back into writing. 
          Please let me know which book you’d like to me to update first: F1 Oneshots / Second Chance / The Friendzone 
          I have so much that I want to do but not enough time to do so much at once unfortunately. Please bare with me. I’m sending you all lots of love and positivity. Much love .xoxo


Please update second chance


@paolaW1810 hiii love ! I’m good thanks and hope you’re well too. Thanks for letting me know, will be working on it this weekend and will hopefully update soon .xx


@alliaclem thank you hun, much appreciated. Will be working on it this weekend and hopefully will have something up soon .xx


Helllooo my loves ! 
          I hope you’re all doing well. I apologise for the delay on requests and updates for my other books. I lost a family member recently.. so ever since, a lot has been going on. Just thought I’d reassure you all that I will be updating soon as I received comments asking when I’ll be updating. Wishing you all lots of love, happiness and positivity. Hope you all have a great weekend ahead. 
          Much love - S. xoxo


@paolaW1810 Hi love ! Really appreciate it. Likewise I hope you’re doing well and hope you have an amazing week ahead. Lots of love .xoxo


Hey darling, I hope you have a beautiful and productive week… Sorry for your lost, I hope you’re family and you are doing well… Whishing you all the best, love and happiness. 


Helllooo my loves ! 
          Wishing you all a great week ahead. Finally updated ‘The Friendzone’, hope you guys enjoy the new chapter. Trying my best to write as much as possible - hopefully a new chapter will be up next week. Please do share your feedback with me, love reading comments from you guys. Much love .xoxo



A F1 one shot has been posted after ages or should we say a year lol. Slowly getting back into writing, bare with me as I’m trying to get away from writers block and I’m also still in holiday mode rn. Anywho, hope you guys enjoy. I’m trying my best to do as much as soon as I can so I can hopefully open requests soon. Much love .xoxo


Happy New Year darlings ! 
          Wherever you guys are in the world, I wish you guys the most amazing year ahead filled with nothing but love, happiness, positivity and success. 
          Wishing you all nothing but the best, have an amazing New Year evening if you’re yet to celebrate.
          S .xoxo


@luminousmoonlight thank youuuu darling. Same to you ! Have an amazing year ahead .xoxo


@ ricciardoaf  happy new year to you dear! Hope that 2023 treats you right


Hello babys ! 
          I hope you all are doing well. I know I’ve been MIA for a couple of months and I’m so sorry. The stress of final assignments and exams were overpowering, I couldn’t possibly have updated any of my books considering the stress I was under. 
          I’m now officially done with studying, hopefully. Please pray I passed all of my modules, in that case it’s now 2 degrees in the bag. 
          Any who, I hope you guys are ready for more Oneshots and more updates to ‘The Friendzone’, and ‘Second Chance’ ! 


‘The Friendzone’ has just been updated ! I didn’t proof read unfortunately but I hope you guys enjoy it. The people had asked and they received. ‘Second Chance’ and my Oneshots book will be updated later this week. Hope you guys are doing well, much love .xx