
Hey folks, I know I've been all over the place with updating on here for a long time and as such I know I've lost the attention of most of you. I do apologise for my lack of consistency. Despite my best intentions and my damndest efforts I haven't been able to get the writing thing going. So, I've decided instead of trying to do new works, I shall tackle my older works, tinker with them, make them better, because damn are they cringy and borderline terrible.
          	As a result, I will be removing said older books soon. This has not been an easy decision for me to make and I've avoided it for a long time because you all have been so good to me but it is what I need to do now. I apologise if anyone is in the middle of reading one of these books when I take them down. That's why I'm posting this message as a little heads up before I remove them.
          	Thank you all for all of your support and love over the years! I appreciate you all!
          	♥️ Riley 


@Kimmyrl546 I'll take them down by the end of this month 


@twistedangel7 I'm not yet 100% certain what I'll decide to do when I'm done with fixing them


Hey folks, I know I've been all over the place with updating on here for a long time and as such I know I've lost the attention of most of you. I do apologise for my lack of consistency. Despite my best intentions and my damndest efforts I haven't been able to get the writing thing going. So, I've decided instead of trying to do new works, I shall tackle my older works, tinker with them, make them better, because damn are they cringy and borderline terrible.
          As a result, I will be removing said older books soon. This has not been an easy decision for me to make and I've avoided it for a long time because you all have been so good to me but it is what I need to do now. I apologise if anyone is in the middle of reading one of these books when I take them down. That's why I'm posting this message as a little heads up before I remove them.
          Thank you all for all of your support and love over the years! I appreciate you all!
          ♥️ Riley 


@Kimmyrl546 I'll take them down by the end of this month 


@twistedangel7 I'm not yet 100% certain what I'll decide to do when I'm done with fixing them


Hey folks, I've uploaded Chapter 1 of my new book! I know it's been forever since I've uploaded anything new on here and I hope you all haven't given up on me...
          Please go take a read of Daring to Love Again. I hope you all enjoy this new book.
          Happy Reading
          ❤️ Riley


Hey folks, I come to you with good news... I have FINALLY started back writing! I've started a new book and I will start posting it here soon. Very soon. Also... look out for a post of the cover that I'll be sharing on my IG later this week.
          I hope you all will enjoy this new book :)
          ♥️ Riley


@Fioria22 I'm glad you're enjoying it. Thanks for reading :)


Im reading Rock Star's Quest atm and im really enjoying the character interactions. Excited to see whats next for you!!  :)


Hey folks, so I've been trying really hard to start back writing and updating for you lovely humans but it's been kicking my ass tbh. But... I do have 3 new book ideas I've been playing around with for a while and I have the beginning written for 2 of them. I also have the beginning of a new one shot written. Problem is I'm stuck... Terribly terribly stuck... Why am I telling you this? I'm not sure tbh... Maybe I'm hoping that by putting it out there I'll get some magical push that will send the words flowing out of me again... Who knows... Time shall tell...
          ♥️ Riley 


@rileyalexander876 can't wait to read more of your stories 


Hey folks. Nothing But You is now available on Amazon! Right now it's only available in ebook format but it will soon be available in paperback as well.
          This has been quite a journey so far and I thank you all for being here with me along the way. I love you all.
          If you are able to support me by getting a copy of Nothing But You on Amazon please leave me a review there, it really helps me out.
          Here is the link:
          It's also posted on my profile.
          ♥️ Riley


@rileyalexander876 oh, Indonesia. It can't? 


@sheissya238 My bad, I meant which country's Kindle store? 


Hey folks, so just a little update... I posted the new cover for Nothing But You on my Instagram and Facebook. You can go check it out and let me know if you like it.
          I'll let y'all know when the book is available on Amazon; which should be as soon as this weekend.
          ♥️ Riley


Yeay, can’t wait!


Hey folks, I know it's been a long time but this is a heads up that I will be taking down Nothing But You from here on Wattpad soon because I am editing it for publishing on Amazon. If you can and if you want to support me by buying a copy and leaving a review when it's published on Amazon I will be extremely grateful. Thanks as always for your continued love, support and patience.
          Happy Reading!
          ❤️ Riley


@sheissya238 Awww thanks, that means a lot 


Waw, Riley finally. I’m looking forward to the book when it comes out on Amazon. Can't wait!