
What the hell was I doing in 2016?


So to the people who are reading my books Everything i Didn't Say and Adopted by 5SOS, this is for you. If not, you don't have to read this. Unless you're curious
          I have decided to delete EIDS. 
          I'm doing this because there doesn't seem like anyone reads or like the story so I want to delete since it is the least read story out of the three that I have. plus I never update so that would be one less thing to worry about.
          I'm not going to ask for anyone's opinion on  if I should, I just am!
          So that's that.
          So if some of you read AB5SOS, I am just letting you know that I am not deleting that book however.
          I was considering deleting it, but then I realized that it is basically an sequel for my first book, Friendship For Love. So I can't really delete that book.
          I am, however, finishing up the book. Like EIDS, I never update and that book isn't really read as much as FFL. but, maybe if I marked it as completed, it would get more reads. Also the fact that I updated.
          So I might write two more chapters to wrap the story then mark it as completed!
          I might just do it tomorrow but no promises. Of course. But it will be done hopefully soon.
          I just wanted to alert everyone on what I was doing.
          If anyone has any ideas on how to end AB5SOS, please tell me. I'm open to any ideas and I will give you credit for it and I any add some of my ideas into it.
          I doubt anyone is reading this and is going to send in any ideas but it is worth a try i guess.
          Ok....that's all I had. Sorry for wasting your time if you read all of this. But if you did read all of this, thank you!!!!!!
          You actually somewhat care!!!! Ok..... I'm done now. Bye. Have a good night!


How the hell can i loose tape?!


Right!? You get it! You know the agony. 


@BrilliantCub I mean its there and then u turn around and its gone!!


Trust me, it's not that hard. You are not alone there. 