Wordsmith apprentice in the realm of Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. Adventure, magic, mayhem and irresistible danger.

Seeking to indulge in tomes of evocative prose, vivid imagery and powerful dialogue. All works here shall be a product of self-expression freed from the constraints of marketability and imbued with personality and voice.

If you don't like long tales, then this might not be the best fantasy account to follow.

Rissa also writes spicy, sweet and easygoing romance stories & Twilight fanfiction under the pseudonym HEAVEN (@carlisle-cullen-fics) featuring Dr. Carlisle Cullen of the Olympic Coven.

In her free time, Rissa dabbles in hobby graphic designing & tries to create stylish book covers for all of her works - fanfictions or otherwise.

❌ No self-promotion/read requests on this profile's message board or via comments. ❌

📚 Book Tag: #rissacorbynworks

To connect with Rissa, please see the link at the bottom. Will be updated as time goes on.
  • Maze of Madness
  • انضمMarch 22, 2023

الرسالة الأخيرة
rissacorbyn rissacorbyn Jul 12, 2023 04:38PM
Hello everyone!Firstly, I apologize for the lack of activity. I know I promised a Heaven's Graphics update but I'm still trying to find my equanimity on that.In the meantime, life hasn't been so gr...
عرض جميع المحادثات

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Lost Entities: A Poetry Collection بقلم rissacorbyn
Lost Entities: A Poetry Collection
Journey into a medley of differing themes ranging from love, heartbreak, loss, politics and many, many more. ...
ranking #483 في miscellaneous إظهار جميع المراتِب
HEAVEN'S GATEWAY - A Graphics Portfolio بقلم rissacorbyn
HEAVEN'S GATEWAY - A Graphics Port...
Welcome to Heaven's Gateway! A collection of book cover designs spanning various but closely related genres/s...
Shut Up and Write - Activity Book بقلم rissacorbyn
Shut Up and Write - Activity Book
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6 قوائم قراءة