
By the way, the first book is called "Laura's New Boyfriend".


I have written a series of full length erotic/comedy/fantasy stories about a fictional girl called Laura. It is set in the present day in the fictional seaside holiday resort of Dunehaven on the south coast of England. It is written in the first person and I play the leading man who meets Laura and we become lovers. When visiting a strange souvenir shop I buy an odd looking fossiled toad which is reputed to be an ancient artifact from the time of King Arthur. As Laura and I get to know each other it is left to our whacky and outrageous friend Debra to accidentally discover that the mysterious fossil toad has strange magical powers. There are four books in total, each featuring the same main characters and each one longer and more sophisticated than the last.
          I am a new as yet unpublished author.
          Robert Townsend.