
Thank you for all your votes✨ so far on The Dangerous Ones @rookcy I appreciate it and hope you continue to enjoy the story ❣️


@rookcy I’m back ;) to thank you for moving right into The Silent Ones and giving it your amazing support too ❤️ I hope to see you in The Wild Ones!


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting Entwined ♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!!  It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡     
          P.s. The second book Enamoured and spinoff Engulfed are available on Wattpad! ♡ 


Thanks heaps for reading All This Time! :) I hope you've been enjoying the story. I've recently started the sequel, called Bitter Brews, and it is available to read on my profile! :) I hope I will see you there once you complete ATT! :) 
          Thanks again for all your support! & if you want to stay on top of everything I’m doing, please follow me in order to receive notifications. 
          Have a wonderful day!


@rookcy they'll play a small role but the story is largely about Levi and what he does after ATT :)


@salonikavale So is the sequel about Wolf and Charlotte??


ELLO! I see you read and enjoy the awesome book, The Runner! If you do enjoy this great story, please check out the ones on my page! ( @storysouls ) You don't even have to read the whole thing, you could just pick a book and read a chapter, then give your feedback? If you can, it would be very much appreciated! Thanks a many!