
So I decided to do a little special update today because it's New Year's and I was kind of struck with some inspiration X3


Hello there :) my name is Agatha ♡ thank you for following me now you’re one of my angels ♡ and I’m following you back! ♡   PLEASE GIVE MY BOOK A CHANCE!! I really hope you would check my book The Bad Nerd Boy ♡ and I’ll check yours! Just lemme know which ♡ and I’ll put it in my daily schedule! ♡   Have a wonderful day! ♡ 


            Btw there’s this contest I’m hosting called “The Heavenly Award” You might want to check it out ♡ it’s for discovering undiscovered gems and I think you’re one! ♡  Have a wonderful day! ♡ 


So as many of you may know, I have a lot of stories that I have up, but not really started. I just wanted to let you guys know that I won't really be writing them until I finish "Not All Heroes Wear Capes". Mostly because I most definitely won't be able to update for all these stories at the same time. And especially since it's my senior year of high school, I can only hope that you guys will be understanding if I don't end up updating on time.
          So for now I will be putting an update schedule to try and update every Saturday, but please know that if I don't that it's because I'm busy with some homework or something. Thanks for sticking around to see if I update or not X3 It means a lot that my writing actually means something to other people and that's amazing.
          So yeah, I'm hoping to be in the end of writing my other story "Mistletoe" by this time next year (which will be the last story to be written that I haven't actually started yet).


Hey guys! So before I add new chapters to "Not All Heroes Wear Capes", I'll be editing the previous chapters because I reread them recently and realized that I had to change some things. Thanks for being so patient with me and not demanding new updates haha X3 But the lack of update demands could just be because nobody reads it but that's ok! Whoever reads it though, get ready for some new updates ^^


Hey, so I know I haven't been updating at all for months... It seems that Junior year has been more busy than I thought. But then again, I am taking AP classes so maybe that has to do with some of it...
          But I swear I will try to bring more updates because I definitely haven't been doing that like I should.
          So I'm sorry guys X3
          The combo of writer's block and school will make it hard but I'll try of you guys!