
Someone reported | Wicked Gentlemen |  and it has been deleted from my account. I think there's another copy of my story being used by someone else. 


@midnightrosana Wattpad Has Personalizes Copywriting. 


It would be better if you create backup files in microsoft words for your other works. 


@midnightrosana I've checked and it isn't in my library. Sorry for losing it sis. There was a platform on net which was copying wattpad books and publishing it in their website to earn money. Maybe they've copied your story that's why wattpad deleted your story for copyright. It's being rumour in wattpad, they are destroying other authors while claiming their work to earn money. Otherwise nobody can copy wattpad words but they should be using a special device to copy it. Their are different apps and websites which are plagiarism. I've heard about Ace too, it was such a popular work and got copied by paying platforms. 


Someone reported | Wicked Gentlemen |  and it has been deleted from my account. I think there's another copy of my story being used by someone else. 


@midnightrosana Wattpad Has Personalizes Copywriting. 


It would be better if you create backup files in microsoft words for your other works. 


@midnightrosana I've checked and it isn't in my library. Sorry for losing it sis. There was a platform on net which was copying wattpad books and publishing it in their website to earn money. Maybe they've copied your story that's why wattpad deleted your story for copyright. It's being rumour in wattpad, they are destroying other authors while claiming their work to earn money. Otherwise nobody can copy wattpad words but they should be using a special device to copy it. Their are different apps and websites which are plagiarism. I've heard about Ace too, it was such a popular work and got copied by paying platforms. 


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️