
Hey. It's me. Please actually respond this time. Anyone. Please
          	I have this whole universe thing right. But idk how to present it. Do you guys want a one shot series or an actual semi decent work or what


I don’t mind, I prefer reading longer ones but it’s your story. 


This is the 75th hundredth (or something like that) time I'm asking bc TELL MEEEE


@mariah_stan sorry lol. Jsut what you want to see


@mariah_stan Hi, sorry, I only just saw these messages (I haven't been on wattpad too much), what are you asking?


See. The thing with me is that I make up entire universes and so much lore for Hatchetfield. But then I don't post it or go public at all. I want to write fanfics but my ideas don't get across and I get self conscious about them anyway and have no motivation and it's just ugh. It's just ugh. 


After the stream, I wanna put some things out there:
          I'm on the fence about Deb and Melissa being sisters but they have a brother and that brother is actually not far away from Melissa. Idk which way really. Probably worse but Melissa's creeping her way up. I didn't headcanon Melissa as how they portrayed her so it changes things.
          Hazel and Melissa are still together but in a different sense. I haven't written about Hazel for ages bc I did something and she's forever changed. But Melissa did stuff worse and now I feel like they still work.
          I want to write a fanfic about the death match. But I have a question:
          Would you guys want a purge/hunger games thing or would you want an actual competition for a huge prize? What do you think? Cause purge you can just hide tbf but you can't in other things 


 Edit: Deb and Melissa are no longer related in my mind and Deb and Doug are now related. 


@mariah_stan honestly i’m scarred from hey melissa


I have an idea! And imma try and actually do it. It's another pregnancy one, I'm sorry it's a weird thing but I am obsessed. It's Hatchetfield again but it's not really warping what's already happened. Not really. It will if there's future stuff with the characters but other than that. Anywayyyy. I have two ideas but from different points in time. Same characters. Kinda same setting. The second one starts at the same place the first is set in. Anyway, imma try to make one a sequel. Both are pregnancies (different ppl) 


Okay so. In my current fanfics that are up, would you guys want more chapters in certain stories then please let me know because I am so stuck but in a fanfic mood. 


@mariah_stan Grace Chasity because at this point she's an icon


@DeathByDrano any particular characters you want to see again or meet?  I hve plently


@mariah_stan Hatchetfield High definitely