I write fiction, memoir and plays. I love reading new works and connecting with readers and other authors. Most often, I  write about relationships that have a dysfunctional, psychological undercurrent.  Three of my books have been featured here on wattpad! I also write under the name Donna Barrow-Green.

I am the creator and producer of a new audio drama podcast called The Diarist! It is an exciting neo-noir Hitchcock-ish story set in the 1950s in NYC. There are 19 increasingly suspenseful episodes and is available on itunes or any where you get your podcasts! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-diarist-an-audio-drama/id1360984677?mt=2

In addition to creative writing, I am a researcher working with families with young children with special needs. I am also a college instructor, mother and thrift store addict.

Check out my website for book information, blog articles, book reviews, and more!

You can follow me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008510650329

You can read more about me here: https://www.wattpad.com/255087714-why-i-write-wattpad-interviews-rose-gluck-donna
  • انضمJuly 23, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
rosegluckwriter rosegluckwriter May 27, 2020 08:47PM
Love podcasts, love fiction? Just uploaded episode 3 of Exuberance is Beauty- wattpad featured story 2017! Have a listen and the script is included so you can see how to adapt fiction to audio script!
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Donna Barrow-Green
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Annie's fate becomes entwied with the wealthy Clark family's abusive history. Her first love is inturrupted a...
Peaks Island بقلم rosegluckwriter
Peaks Island
(Featured Story September 2017) Allison is spending the summer on picturesque Peaks Island, Maine where she i...
Exuberance Is Beauty (Book 1) بقلم rosegluckwriter
Exuberance Is Beauty (Book 1)
(Featured Story 2016 & 2017) Oregon, 1940s: Eve Miller, a young war widow, rebels against the ordinariness of...
3 قوائم قراءة