
finally got around to watching season 2 of Loki (boycotted during the strikes) and oh my god... oh my god.


imma tell you this, I'm really upset 
          you wanna know why I'm upset. Well
          the fact of how much work you put into
          your oc book is really freaking beautiful 
          and it only has like 16 or a little more likes
          in it. It's so freaking beautiful man, Imma 
          give a 100/10 because dang.


            OMG, I never knew you replied back to me. I am glad that I made you smile. It really is a good book. I love the theme and the way you thought everything out


Lol thank you! It takes a long time to get it to look that way and I’ve recently hit a rut with roleplays and stuff so  haven’t been motivated to come online or continue to edit the rest of my oc book to look how I want it too. But this made me smile! 