
Chapter 12 of "LUNAR" is up! Chapter 11 was a shorter chapter, so I decided to post Ch. 12 as a supplement! Working on Ch. 13 now! Enjoy! <3


Chapter 7 of "Lunar" is finally up after my hiatus! Hope to be posting more regularly now (: Let me know what you think of the update!


@X0reader You are so sweet! Thank you so much! I do hope to update my story more regularly now! Probably once or twice a week! Thank you so much for reading! (:


I really love your book so far
            I can’t wait to read more!


Hi! Chapter 6 of Lunar is now posted! Thank you so much for waiting for it! I hope you enjoy! It does have a battle scene so if you have to skip it this time for your own mental health, I totally understand! I put a summary at the bottom so you can get caught up without having to read it if you need to (: Take care! Stay healthy! <3