
Is anybody experiencing a distorted version of my new chapter in BBL. I'm just wondering bc when i got to edit it looks fine but when I got to read it from my library it is missing a huge part and is messed up pretty bad. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING THIS.


Is anybody experiencing a distorted version of my new chapter in BBL. I'm just wondering bc when i got to edit it looks fine but when I got to read it from my library it is missing a huge part and is messed up pretty bad. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING THIS.


Thanks for the rest of the lyrics, I felt really bad correcting her so I just said thanks. I didn't want to be mean plus it was really close to the actual ones. Just grateful anyone responded really.


@Winchester_Bae056 your welcome. I didn't really want do it either but it was bothering me


Im gonna delete the story soon in there aren't more views in a couple of days. I feel like there's no point in writing a story that's not going to be read. So until then I'll  keep editing the next chapter to be published. Im sorry if you like the story so far and want it to continue but I'm not taking hours out of my day to write for one person. So yeah. I also take suggestions in my messages and I'll give you credit if you have an idea that could make this story more interesting. Merry Christmas and check out the new chapter I posted yesterday. Bye✌