
Please help me find Boo and check out my latest novelette. 


HEY GUYS!!! I know I haven’t been back to post my latest novel (I’m still working on the last chapter) but I entered one of my short stories in a competition and I made it as a finalist!! So, if you have a free moment today, I’d really appreciate it if you read it and voted on it if you enjoyed it. The winner gets their short story published, so I’d be a great chance for me to get exposure. Thanks in advance!! It’s on the website Short Edition, and my story is the one called “You Give Me Butterflies”. The link is here but idk if it’ll work:


should i post a collection of my poetry on here? i’m looking for feedback and exposure and i haven’t been writing long stuff for awhile :(. i have some type of writer’s block but i still wanna post stuff on here. what do you guys think?