
AsalamuAlaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. My dear friends and sisters and brothers, I pray that all of you are doing well and are in the best of health and Iman. SubhanAllah I honestly did not realize how long it was since I was on here. When I logged in right now, I expected to see Bambi's last post within the last year ... imagine my surprise and shock! Alhamdulillah I am alive and doing better :) In Shaa Allah I need to get through doctor appointments this week, but then I will make another post with a longer update <3 May Allah reward all of you who have messaged, left comments and posts, and have continuously made Du'aa for me. I know I won't be able to reply to them all (over 1,000 inbox alone!!!!) but know that I appreciate it more than you will ever know :)
          	Much love and stay awesome!


          	  Really really hoping to hear from you soon.
          	  Praying for you as always.
          	  Sincerely praying and desperately hoping that you are keeping well.
          	  It has been 2 whole years since we heard from you and it's a long long long time to not hear about you as well.


@sajmra Hiii there How have you been doing?I pray Almighty Allah grant you complete Shifaa. I miss you soooooo much dear Author. Infact I had to search your name for me to come to this page .
          	  May Allah ease your affairs, Aameen


@sajmra sister i really want to rearead your work once upon a qadr when will you upload it back?


          I know sajmra took it down just so she could edit it but I WISH she knew that there are people who LOCEDDDDD the original version. ofc she should be happy with how it is herself like I'm not trying to say that she should change it or not depending on the reaction of the crowd BUT I'VE BEEN DESPERATELY WANTING UNLOCKED HEARTS FOR AGESSSS all I have is a faint memory of it  
          And unfortunately I joined the wattpad game too late so I didn't even get to read UOQ but truly UH has my heart, or should I say "captured" my heart) and I've been wanting nothing more than to read that absolute banger of literacy for so long now. 
          Point is, I love you queen saj, and actually Im starting to get worried about you bc it's been more than 4 years since you last updated it, and I just WANT TO MAKE SURE YOU'RE OKAY BABY GIRLLLLL ❤❤❤
          I love all your books and your creativity in them, they quite literally scratch like the perfect genre in my brain, a nice blend between mystery and romance and thriller AND with a touch of Arabic culture/Islam. Like you answered everything I've been looking for. AND I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED TALKING ABOUT THE QADR SERIES YA ALLAH. 
          anywhoops, lots of love from your fans, and we can't wait to see you again 


@bhjjbhbnjhnng wattpad is deleting inactive accounts. I don't wanttt this one to get deleted toooo


Salaam Saj. I just wanted to tell u that ur books have been a source of great comfort and joy for me. You last posted to update about ur health. I hope u r doing good. It would be really nice if u could update us about ur health and how you're doing now. Lots of duaas and love. 


@aestalia-aaa waalykum salam warahmatullah, it was indeed published, but ahe took it down.
            Just have to answer your questions 


@aestalia-aaa Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh......I recently completed captured hearts...Is unlocked hearts yet to be published?and from these conversations,it seems that the author has been gone since a looonng time now....Is she ok?!


Assalamu alaikum QueenSaj. It's been so long since we heard from you or got any updates from Bambi. May Allah bless you and grant u complete shifaa. 


@ummumubashshir Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,who is Bambi?


Assalamu alaikum @bambi could you please update us on sajmra's condition ya subhanallah it's been a while since I logged on and I thought perhaps with all the duas she might be back now but Allah loves her the most His decisions are the best


Not implying worsening in condition or such but she is one of the reasons my wattpad account is still active please deem it fit to give an update