
guys, i'm leaving wattpad.
          	i am so so sorry. 
          	my brother caught me on here and snitched to my mom, and i told her i'd delete my account a bunch of other things. I'm not going to delete my account and i might check in on some of you guys to make sure y'all are okay. i'm really sorry. 
          	i love you all so so much. you're quite possible some of my best friends. thank you for everything. 
          	love you all 
          	- a


@same_eyes_blue28 omg nooo babe Well miss you :(


awww no. i’ll miss you and i hope you’ll come back. take care love. 


Hello Babe! 
          I apologize in advance if the ads bother You, I'll try to summarize! Some time ago I wrote story about two boys, Harry and Louis. This is a fanfiction (I recommend reading the description!). The story is a poem about love and desire, but it is also about destiny. It has 42 chapters, but the whole stuff will take You only 6 minutes! 

          I hope You're doing well, remember that I'm always here for Ya! Have a nice day/night Babe, and see you in the future!