
Part 04, 05, and 06 are now published. So, check it out na po guys


Hi! Hope you can check out this story!
          The achiever Emeraude Armani Suarez believes that in order to rise from poverty, one must study hard and keep an eye focused on the greater things. Her dreams and determination shut off doors of carefree youth and flow of love. She has always been stern about her plans but not until she got swayed by the Hermedilla heir. Love... friendship... justice... the stern Emeraude slowly lost her way towards a clear and straight path. 
          Will the Hermedilla heir finally make Emeraude open the doors of her heart... or will he need to crash the doors down in order to get into her life?



I love your profile. U .. are such an intriguing writer. I would love to get down to reading your books. I've already added your work onto my library. I see and noticed that you've all chapters in my second book : '' The King : 2 '' I must warn you , I write A-LOT. Just want to give you a fair warning. Could you please read : '' The Right King '' my very first book ? , '' The Right King : 2 '' comes right after my first book. I'd LOVE to hear your feedback and what you think. I could use all of the constructive criticism and feedback that I can get.


Feel free to speak to me on my profile ' any time. ' If you need any writing help and support , that's what I'm here for ... ! I'm going to vote all of your books and read 'em too.


I'm so happy to run into you on Facebook , Wattpad promotion. LOVE goin' there to meet so much gifted and greatly unique readers and writers on Wattpad like you. Let's all keep writing and reading , my 2 most favorite things ... I am ' SUCCH ' a bookworm.