Hi! I'm BB.
  • Under Mt. Ebott
  • انضمApril 12, 2020

الرسالة الأخيرة
sand3rs-sid3s-fan sand3rs-sid3s-fan Jun 18, 2021 07:53PM
Can you answer this? There are 10 people in a roo, you go and kill 8 of them! How many people actually remain in the room? Reply to the answer and I'll pm you, but if you get the wrong answer you got...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم BB
Fan Art بقلم sand3rs-sid3s-fan
Fan Art
Here is where I post fan art of fandoms and stories I read. I also post plain old art.
32 قوائم قراءة