
Everytime I stream ‘I can do it with a broken heart’ when it gets to the line “I cry a lot but I’m so productive, it’s an art” I think about how I wrote the whole of my wattpad story whilst on the verge, so that’s fun. Love yall 


@darlingperi Oh dw im great now! It was 2 years ago, I’m in a much better place now. Thank you for the concern though<3


hope you’re okay lovely, i know im a random stranger but if you needa talk im here 


Everytime I stream ‘I can do it with a broken heart’ when it gets to the line “I cry a lot but I’m so productive, it’s an art” I think about how I wrote the whole of my wattpad story whilst on the verge, so that’s fun. Love yall 


@darlingperi Oh dw im great now! It was 2 years ago, I’m in a much better place now. Thank you for the concern though<3


hope you’re okay lovely, i know im a random stranger but if you needa talk im here 


When my psycho ex friend literally makes a game of guess who with ppl they hate in it and im there???


@lizbeansgillies that wasn’t even why the friendship ended, it was just silly high school drama which makes this girl even more psycho cause it’s been 2 years!


Psycho ex friend for a reason I see 


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I haven’t shit posted on here in forever so ! Fun fact, in my friend group the only person who’s slept with a man is in the fact a lesbian and that person is in fact me so that’s fun!  Anwyays sorry stream Lucy dacus 


Hey everyone! after some consideration I’ve decided I will be re uploading my stories. However, it will take a few days to get I never asked for this, along with change is inevitable back. This is because I have decided that I will be removing all the authors notes from each chapter, because I do not wish to be correlated with this specific work, I do have plans with something to replace them with though! 


Thanks you sooo much<3 i love your works


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Getting so much attention on wattpad when I was 15 did stuff to my brain chemistry, and shit has NOT been normal since. Thank you for coming to my ted talk 


@sapphicandswag omg yes we should hmu bestie 


@lizbeansgillies no literally also I feel like we should be friends¿ cause I don’t know anyone else who has experienced this, I feel like we did become friends but never actually talked


I am who I am because of it 


Hi everyone: ), if you’ve looked at my account then you’ll see the fact that I have taken down my ‘I never asked for this’ series, and it’s been something I’ve been considering for a while. When I wrote most of the story I was rlly not in a good place mentally, and I wrote to deal with things in my life. I have since matured and I’m in a much better place, and I’m not happy with my old writing or storylines. I apologise to those who were reading it or liked the stories, but I hope you can respect my decision. I may reupload them in the future but for right now I don’t rlly want them posted. Thank you for all the support during these 2 years, all the comments rlly meant a lot to me. I hope everyone is doing well<333


@sapphicandswag  happy for u being in a better place


@ sapphicandswag  I really liked that series, but I respect your decision. Whatever makes you happy:) and btw your old writing was and still is amazing<33