
Hi guys, I don't really do this kind of thing normally but I'm really upset and just need to vent right now. My parents were kind of making fun of how me and my friends call each other "sisters", so I told my dad to play the movie (since that's what I was downstairs for). They got really mad at me, and started yelling about how I have "bad behaviour", and the level of audacity I have to speak to my own parents  like that. They called me sensitive for getting upset, and my mom brought up a bunch of stuff that happened before. My dad went off about how I needed to be disciplined, and they were discussing about hitting me like I wasn't even there. I don't know whether I'm in the wrong here, or if they are but I just really needed to talk and I can't stop crying. To all my friends, I'm sorry if I've ever been very annoying like they apparently think I am.


@HarryPotterIsBi, @DaughterOfTheDead2 said it way better and possibly stronger acutely most likely stronger than I ever could have and to answer your question no your not annoying    


Hi! If you dont mind me asking, what happened to your sister? She had the username like DaughterOfTheDead or something like that tho I believe she changed it


@percabethstan4ever no prob :)
            Ikr! It came as such a shock. I never really thought about it before this happened. I think the minimum is thirteen years old or something, but I could be wrong


@percabethstan4ever Oh yay thank you so much! This helped tons!! I didnt even know there was a minimum age for this app


@percabethstan4ever *fics. Sorry. Stupid autocorrect


Hi guys, I don't really do this kind of thing normally but I'm really upset and just need to vent right now. My parents were kind of making fun of how me and my friends call each other "sisters", so I told my dad to play the movie (since that's what I was downstairs for). They got really mad at me, and started yelling about how I have "bad behaviour", and the level of audacity I have to speak to my own parents  like that. They called me sensitive for getting upset, and my mom brought up a bunch of stuff that happened before. My dad went off about how I needed to be disciplined, and they were discussing about hitting me like I wasn't even there. I don't know whether I'm in the wrong here, or if they are but I just really needed to talk and I can't stop crying. To all my friends, I'm sorry if I've ever been very annoying like they apparently think I am.


@HarryPotterIsBi, @DaughterOfTheDead2 said it way better and possibly stronger acutely most likely stronger than I ever could have and to answer your question no your not annoying    


Hai.. your sister told me that I sounded way to much like you... From the looks of it, you’re an awesome and fabulous person so like have a nice day and stuff


And thanks XD


Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I know I’ve gained a lot of traction with my fanfic, The Champion Reading. It’s been a long time since I’ve updated, but I just want to say that I have not forgotten about it. The chapters are coming along slowly, and I’m trying the best I can with school opening and all. I ask that you please be patient, and know that I will eventually finish it. It might take a little time is all.


Hey again! Just wanted to let you know about the co-authored fic me and @Iampotato3 have published. It’s on her profile, since, quite frankly, it fits her....aesthetic better. 
          If you’re looking for a laugh, or just want to read some crack fanfic, this one’s definitely for you. The link is right here:


@Iampotato3 Lol you know I’m just joking, right L?


@HarryPotterIsBi we are talking like normal human beings for your information and if you would like you may barge  in



@DisneyDCOMLOVER No prob! Least I could do


@HarryPotterIsBi I already follow her! She’s super sweet and supportive of my story, Perfect. Send her my love! ❤️❤️❤️