
قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Well, holy shit - it's been almost a full two years since I've posted on here. Anyways, I'm back. With that, I'm ready to write again. However, this time around, I'm solely going to be writing original stories. I have a lot of stories in my mind and they've just been scratching to be let out. I appreciate the support from every single one of you and all of your comments, messages, likes, etc., do not go unnoticed. I still have mad love for my friends on Wattpad. 2020 wasn't the "year" for anyone but fuck it - let's make 2021 the year for everybody! Let's break the molds of our lives and follow our dreams, even if it's one inch at a time. I'll be posting some stuff shortly and I hope you're all willing to give it a chance. Again, thanks so much for all of the support that you all have shown me up until this point. I hope that support continues.


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Well, holy shit - it's been almost a full two years since I've posted on here. Anyways, I'm back. With that, I'm ready to write again. However, this time around, I'm solely going to be writing original stories. I have a lot of stories in my mind and they've just been scratching to be let out. I appreciate the support from every single one of you and all of your comments, messages, likes, etc., do not go unnoticed. I still have mad love for my friends on Wattpad. 2020 wasn't the "year" for anyone but fuck it - let's make 2021 the year for everybody! Let's break the molds of our lives and follow our dreams, even if it's one inch at a time. I'll be posting some stuff shortly and I hope you're all willing to give it a chance. Again, thanks so much for all of the support that you all have shown me up until this point. I hope that support continues.


Hey guys! I posted the first two chapters of my new original story, “Hotel Merrysville.” It’s a horror/thriller type. It would mean so much to me if you would give it a chance and let me know what you think. I’m going to be posting two new chapters every week! I’m excited about this one. :)


Hola I just discovered your books and finished reading the few chapters in William . Really loved your story about Abigail , I was not ready for her death , but finding out about the son gave me hope - question , k know life happens but do you see yourself coming back and finishing that tale? 
            Here hoping for a yes   


Hey guys! I promise I’m still alive and focused on writing! My WiFi has been on and off the past few weeks because we’ve been having trouble with our internet provider and it’s difficult to type everything on my phone. I’m going to be updating Ghosts (yaaaay!) as well as be uploading some original ideas that I’ve had for awhile that I hope you guys will give a chance to. Hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready for loads of content to read soon! xx Sarah


Ghosts: Chapter 14. Coming 12/17. Be ready for it! 


Y’all I know I said 12/17 but I woke up really sick and have been in bed all day so I promiseeeee it will be up tomorrow, 12/18 unless I’m in the hospital or dead. ❤️ 


Hey guys! Sorry I've been so MIA! I'm super sick and it's Thanksgiving week and the semester is coming to an end and I started work again after having the summer and most of fall off so it's been a lot for me to take in. I updated Twisted and will be updating it again very soon! I'm hoping for sometime this weekend! Same goes for my Marvel and DC imagines. If you've requested, I promise that I haven't forgotten about you!! I will be finishing all of my imagine requests in the next week! So, if you've requested, keep an eye out as I will be tagging you in your imagine! Hope all of my American followers have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! If you're not an American, I hope you have a wonderful weekend! xx Sarah


If you are a fan of either the DC world or Marvel world, please take a peek inside my imagines books and make a request! I'd like to get started on a few fresh requests for some fans of the universes! Also, if you're a fan of The Walking Dead, please give my new Negan fanfiction, "Twisted," a read. Hope to see some requests and votes from you all soon! xx Sarah